Outdoor Patio HeatersDuring the summer the British public love to make the most of the outdoors, whether it be getting a sun tan or having an evening barbeque. But with autumn just around the corner, many see this as the time to pack up and migrate indoors for the cold winter. However, although autumn can get a bit chilly, especially towards October and November, why not stay outside for as long as possible until it is truly unbearable.


With garden heaters, instead of spending your evenings inside, you can make the most of the last remaining sun of the year and stay outside enjoying the fresh air. There are many different methods to heat your garden or patio so as the autumn evenings don’t feel so cold. If you are willing to do some DIY, then a good way to keep your patio temperature friendly all year round would be to build a patio rooftop which will not only block out the wind, but also makes it easier to install other heating devices such as hanging heaters.


If you have a patio then you can even build a fireplace outside, which although is a slightly unusual feature to have, it can be a good method for keeping you warm. When people talk about garden heaters many will have a false impression that they are 100% inefficient as the hot air will rise and only cover a small amount of space, thus leaving them cold and having to pay for wasted electricity. But this is not the case; infrared heaters are renowned for being the most energy efficient heating device which focus mainly on not only energy efficiency but low running costs. While you can use these heaters indoors, there are also patio heaters which use infrared heat, therefore you don’t need to worry about energy bills and you can instead focus on having a good time outdoors in the autumn.


Infrared patio heaters are much more efficient than conventional heaters and can heat outdoor spaces more capably which means you can stay heated despite being outside when the temperature drops. There is a large range of infrared patio heaters to choose from so whatever the budget you can be sure that there is a heater which is perfect for your patio, which means there is no excuse for not being outdoors during the autumn evenings. With outdoor heating, whatever the weather there is always an opportunity to enjoy the fresh aim, even in the autumn.



Eco Stores Direct are here to bring you the very latest energy news, views and opinions from across the UK. They are also suppliers of energy efficient electric heating solutions and are constantly assessing the market for the best products and the latest ground-breaking technology which they think will make a real difference to their customer’s homes. Eco Stores Direct are devoted to helping you reduce your carbon footprint and bring down your energy bills and they work hard to raise awareness of energy efficient products that can make all the difference. If you’re interested in outdoor patio heaters or slimline infrared panels, call Infrared Heaters Direct today on 0330 300 8383 for a free assessment.