Infrared heating is something that’s relatively new to the UK domestic market. Many of your might have experienced infrared heating in beer gardens or restaurants, but the heat often seems harsh and uneven doesn’t it? Far infrared is different, and it’s transforming houses up and down the country into warm, comfortable and energy efficient homes. If part of your plan for the new year involves cutting down on your energy usage and moving to a cleaner, greener heating system, far infrared heating panels could be for you. Here are the top four reasons to consider them as 2015 gets underway…

infrared heating

Infrared heating panels are cheaper to install than you might think

One of the things that puts many people off switching their heating systems is cost. Not just the cost of the appliances themselves – which can vary enormously – but the cost of the installation. How many electricians will I have to employ? How much mess will there be? How long will it take? In fact, far infrared heating panels are among the easiest heating appliance to install. Because they run exclusively on electricity, it’s simply a case of finding a home for them and either plugging them in or wiring them in depending on your preference.  There’s no need for a boiler or any tricking plumbing work, and if you choose the right panel for the job, you’ll be enjoying comforatble, consistent heat as and when you need it at impressively efficient rate. If your boiler is nearly packed in and you’re thinking of upgrading your heating system, consider far infrared heating panels before you sink your hard earned money into another wet central heating system. 

You can maximise your living space, seriously

Far infrared heating panels provide so much opportunity to be creative, they often go unnoticed in most homes. If you walked into a home that didn’t have any radiators, would you notice? Put that to the test with infrared heating panels. You could disguise your panel as a painting and hang it on the wall. Or place it up on the ceiling to maximise heat distribution and keep it ‘out of th way’. You might even want to give your infrared heating panel a reflective surface and dress is up as a mirror – perfect for use in any bathroom. Whatever you decide to do with your panels, you’ll find that you can not only enhance your living space, but really make the most of it and do some interesting things with your home. 

They are impressively low-maintenance

How many times over the past few years have you had to call out engineers to look at a broken down boiler? How often have you had to grab a towel and ‘bleed’ your radiators to stop them from blocking up and malfunctioning?Unfortunately, this is one of the many side effects of traditional gas boiler central heating systems, and no matter how much the technology is refined, there’s always a risk that they’ll break down or require some kind of maintenance just when you need them. If you’re in a new property with a new heating system, you might think it’s worth the risk, but if you’re about to renovate or upgrade your property it could be the perfect time to consider a change. Infrared heating panels require virtually no maintenance at all. They have no moving parts, they don’t use any fluids, and they don’t require any special treatment at all.  Most infrared heaters will also come with an excellent warranty to set your mind at ease. 

They can reduce mould

There’s money to be saved everywhere – but there’s also legwork to be saved too. In the winter, many homes suffer from mould spots in bathrooms, bedrooms and kitchens, and for some it might seem an inevitable part of wherever they live. The truth is that most mould is caused by ‘uneven heat’. Traditional heaters and radiators heat the room up via a natural convection current, pushing heat up and around the room. Not only does this give you an ‘uneven’ level of heat, it also leaves cold spots dotted around the place, and these are the most likely parts for mould to build up. Infrared heating panels don’t push heat into the room, or even heat the air directly, they heat the objects in the room. This includes walls, ceilings, furniture, and even you. Because of this, the heat generated is consistent and your home is guarded from mould. 

Eco Stores Direct are here to bring you the very latest in energy news, views and opinions from across the UK. They are also suppliers of energy efficient electric heating solutions and are constantly assessing the market for the best products and the latest ground-breaking technology which they think will make a real difference to their customer’s homes. Eco Stores Direct are devoted to helping you reduce your carbon footprint and bring down your energy bills and they work hard to raise awareness of energy efficient products that can make all the difference. For more information on their range of  energy efficient designer electric radiators or  designer Infrared panel heaters, call one of their friendly team today on 0330 300 4444 for a free assessment.