As technology has progressed, so has the technology used in the heating industry. One such advance in this industry is the utilisation of infrared radiation to create heat. Infrared heat can be used domestically through different sized panels which emit heat into the surrounding area. Although it sounds complex and futuristic, infrared is probably a lot simpler and more common than you think.

Infrared HandWhat is infrared?

Infrared radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation. It’s on the same spectrum as ultraviolet radiation and radio waves. Although the waves are invisible to the human eye, they can be felt as heat. Infrared heats only through radiation and, rather like the sun which emits a large amount of infrared, heats objects directly without heating the air. This is because infrared travels as waves and not as particles, unlike convection and conduction.

But aren’t infrared waves dangerous?

There’s a misconception that, since infrared is on the electromagnetic spectrum, it is in some way harmful. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth and when harnessed in the correct way, infrared can be used as an extremely efficient source of heat that poses no health risks whatsoever. What many people don’t know is that infrared radiation is emitted by all objects to some degree. This therefore means that heat lamps, the humble toaster and even you yourself emit infrared radiation – it’s a perfectly normal phenomenon with no harmful side effects.

TurbinesHow do they work?

Infrared panels emit far infrared or longwave radiation which has a long wavelength, low frequency and no visible light. These factors make the heat gentle and more easily absorbed by objects in the room. Far infrared radiation is the same radiation as emitted by the sun. This is in contrast to some outdoor heaters which use shortwave or near infrared which is a great deal more intense and gives off a visible orange glow. The infrared radiation travels as waves and causes the molecules to oscillate and release energy, thus heating the environment and creating warmth for the surrounding area.

Infrared panel efficiency

One factor which sets infrared heating panels apart from traditional heating systems is their high level of efficiency. All conventional radiators, whether powered by electricity or central heating, heat their surroundings using convection. This requires a lot of energy and causes the warm air to rise towards the ceiling before cooling and falling. In comparison, infrared panels can be up to 50% more efficient than more conventional systems installed for home heating. This is because infrared panels emit heat through radiation and heat people and objects directly, meaning the objects absorb the heat and subsequently re-radiate it out into the room.

This high level of efficiency also makes the panels more environmentally friendly, as less energy is wasted. It is also efficient as the waves emitted from the panels reflect off surfaces in the room thus keeping the entire room heated. The sun emits infrared waves in the same way; waves from the sun are absorbed by objects on the earth, heating them up and distributing the heat to their surroundings.  Infrared panels work via radiation and consequently minimize heat loss through ventilation as, since the air is not being heated as it would be by a radiator, there is no heated air to escape under doors, cracks or crevices. As well as this, since there is no convection current, there is less dust being circulated around the room in the air. Infrared panels are therefore a cleaner alternative to their traditional counterparts.

Stylish and contemporary

Herschel InspireOne advantage unique to infrared panels is their aesthetics. A key strength of infrared heat panels is that they do not look at all like conventional heating fittings. Instead they can be as bold, or as conservative as you like, all whilst remaining contemporary. Modern slim line infrared panels come in a variety of colours and materials, ranging from plain white understated models, such as the Herschel Select Infrared Heating Panel, to more stylish models, such as the Herschel Inspire Infrared Heating Panel. The Inspire is made out of a fully reflective mirror surface than can act as a complete substitute for a mirror; they are also popular in bathrooms as they are fully condensation resistant as well as being a powerful source of heat.

Hershel iQ T1 Thermostat & Receiver As well as this, infrared panel products are also fully compatible with thermostats. One popular choice would be the Hershel iQ T1 Thermostat & Receiver. This wireless model comes with a digital touchscreen as well as the ability to programme customizable heat settings to personal preferences. This means that setting up a heat programme and utilizing infrared panels is just as straight forward as with more conventional heating appliances.

Safe, efficient and controllable, infrared panels offer a stylish and economical home heating system which can save you money. For more information, browse our site or give our expert sales team a call.