Patio heaters are a great addition to any garden, as they enable you to enjoy your outdoor space all year round. From hosting intimate dinner parties in the winter to making summertime barbecues last that little bit longer, they can be used for several occasions.

Traditional gas or oil heaters and wood burners used to be the only options available. And even though they can still provide a decent amount of warmth, the cost of fuel is expensive and their subsequent carbon emissions are far from ideal. What’s more, they can take a while to heat up and aren’t exactly practical in small gardens or enclosed areas.

But in recent years, halogen and infrared heaters have become increasingly popular. Powered by electricity, these heaters promise numerous benefits that oil and gas alternatives cannot compete with.

However, before choosing an infrared patio heater, you’ll want to know their respective pros and cons as well as how they stack up against each other. So, here is a closer look at halogen vs. infrared patio heaters.


Infrared Patio Heaters

Although the science and technology behind infrared patio heaters might sound complex, it is actually remarkably straightforward and very similar to the sun.

Essentially, infrared patio heaters operate in the far infrared spectrum tuned between 9-14 micron metres. But unlike the harmful ultraviolet rays produced by the sun, which can cause skin damage and diseases such as cancer, this is a narrow and specific range that poses no health risks.

In order to generate heat, electromagnetic waves cause molecules to oscillate and release energy. As opposed to warming up the air like traditional oil and gas heaters, this energy is absorbed by surrounding objects like people and furniture. Energy then dissipates and provides even and consistent temperatures to those sitting or standing in the vicinity.

This is a much more efficient way of providing outdoor heat, as time and energy isn’t wasted trying to warm up the cold air, which eventually rises and escapes anyway. You can rest assured that your infrared patio heater will generate instant warmth whenever it is required.

To boot, infrared patio heaters operate on a low wattage of electricity, which won’t result in hefty utility bills. The absence of fossil fuel also means you won’t be pumping toxic and harmful carbon dioxide emissions into the environment, making infrared patio heaters an attractive eco-friendly option too.


Halogen Patio Heaters

In many respects, halogen patio heaters are remarkably similar to infrared alternatives. They are powered by electricity, quick to heat-up, propel energy in the same way and generate no harmful emissions. Most halogen patio heaters will also radiate their energy primarily in the infrared spectrum too. However, when it comes to the waves they produce, there is a crucial difference.

Halogen patio heaters give off a fierce, shortwave heat, which does not throw a very wide spread of warmth. For this reason, people have to sit or stand close to the heater to feel the benefit. In turn, this produces “burning head” and “dry eye” problems with prolonged exposure.

For pub landlords and restaurant owners, this could mean the difference between happy loyal customers and dissatisfied consumers that never return again. Close friends, family members and party guests might not have a great time round your house either if they leave in pain or feeling woozy.

Another disadvantage of halogen patio heaters is that they have a ferocious red glow, which might not fit in with your garden or outside space’s overall aesthetic. Even if they do not produce carbon dioxide, halogen patio heaters give off light emissions instead.

Due to the shortcomings of halogen patio heaters, it is highly recommended to choose an alternative that operates in the far infrared spectrum. These heaters are capable of generating a consistent and wide spread of heat without unwanted light emissions, which have been known to cause health problems.